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Ultimate Deer Data (UDD) Course

Sku: UDD1


Ultimate Deer Data (UDD) is an online set of quizzes that helps students prepare for a DSC1 to revise for the assessments required.


Ultimate Deer Data online training is only available from the British Deer Society, it is an interactive course enabling candidates to acquire and assess their knowledge in preparation for taking the Deer Stalking Certificate 1.

The interactive quizzes and deer identification quizzes can be used repeatedly to build up a depth of knowledge and the thorough understanding needed to pass the DSC1 formal assessments.

UDD is primarily aimed at people wanting to achieve DSC1, however, due to the significant volume and quality of its content, it is of equal value as an essential educational resource to anyone worldwide wanting to gain knowledge of British deer and related management.

UDD online costs £20.00 for 60 days of access, which can be renewed if more time is required.

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