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The map below highlights the areas covered by each BDS branch and underneath the map is a selection box. Simply select the branch from the dropdown menu to view its page.

Branch pages include information on the branch committee, contacts, events and news. Please be aware volunteers run our branches, and they may not be able to respond to enquiries straight away.

When you become a BDS member as part of your membership you can choose to join one or more of our branches. This is a great way to get to know other people in your area who share your interests. 


special interest group: DDM

Defence Deer Management (DDM) is a voluntary organisation of serving military, MOD civil servants and, where necessary, retired personnel who provide a deer management service on behalf of the MOD. 

DDM is a Special Interest Group, rather than a regional branch, of the Society.


Illegal Lynx Releases: A Cautionary Tale

Illegal Lynx Releases: A Cautionary Tale

Discover the complexities of reintroducing lynx to the UK in this cautionary tale about illegal releases in Scotland. Explore the ecological, ethical, and practical debates surrounding apex predators, deer management, and the challenges of reintroducing predators.

Firearms Licensing Fee Increases

Firearms Licensing Fee Increases

Find out about the UK government’s firearms licensing fee increases, effective 5 February 2025, will impact licence holders. Explore the new fee structure, the rationale behind the changes, stakeholder reactions, and what this means for you.

Supporting Your Local Branch

Supporting Your Local Branch

Discover how you can make a difference for deer conservation by attending your local British Deer Society (BDS) AGM. Learn why your involvement matters, explore volunteering opportunities, and join a community passionate about sustainable deer management.

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