The one-day muntjac symposium organised by the British Deer Society working in partnership with The Woodland Trust and sponsored by Galbraith was a resounding success.
The event was well supported with multi-agency attendance including BDS, BASC, Woodland Trust, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Natural History Society of Northumbria, etc, as well as Scottish Natural Heritage and the UK Non-Native Species Secretariat.
Over 70 people took part and BDS Deer Officer, Glyn Ingram, commented that it was good to see representatives from important partner organisations, and private individuals enthusiastically engaging with each other.
In the ‘wrap-up’ session Dr. Niall Moore, Head of the UK Non-Native species secretariat, noted that he had felt the meeting very useful in helping him to advise Government on ways forward.
BDS Chairman Professor Rory Putman reflected that the event achieved its aims of initiating collaborative working in making and implementing future management policies for muntjac both nationally and in the north-east.
While we know many are keen to hear more about the findings from the day, it will take time for all the information to be collated. We will keep everyone up-to-date with any findings and ongoing developments from the day in due course – so watch this space.
Huge thanks to David Stewart and the North East BDS branch for their hard work and dedication in organising the event as well as the BDS team and our collaborating partner organisations for their support.
Images taken by Jamie Tranter