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RHS Tatton Park Flower Show: A Golden Triumph

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David McAuley, CEO, British Deer Society

RHS Tatton Park Flower Show: A Golden Triumph for BDS and Designers Alice Meacham and Trudi Robson

I am delighted to share the success and experiences from the recent RHS Tatton Park Flower Show, where The British Deer Society (BDS) proudly sponsored garden designers Alice Meacham and Trudi Robson in creating the stunning “Deer O Deer” display flower bed. This exceptional display captivated the hearts of visitors and earned a prestigious RHS gold medal, one of only four awarded among the numerous intricate long flowerbed designs. This achievement marks a significant accolade for both BDS and the designers, showcasing the excellence and creativity that our community can achieve.

A Masterpiece of Design and Innovation

The “Deer O Deer” display was a true masterpiece, blending intricate floral arrangements with thoughtful design elements and standout steel deer silhouettes. These elements demonstrated how one can create beautiful garden spaces while discouraging deer from damaging the plants. Alice and Trudi’s vision and dedication were evident in every aspect of the display, highlighting the harmonious relationship between deer and their natural habitats. The attention to detail, from the choice of plants to the overall layout, was truly remarkable and deserving of the highest recognition.

The Long Border Category

One of the most popular aspects of the RHS Tatton Park Flower Show is the long border category, featuring 7 x 1.8m beds that allow student horticulturists, community groups, and budding designers to exhibit their creativity. This year, the theme was ‘Make a Statement’, with 21 designs tackling issues ranging from women’s suffrage to invasive plant species. The long border category provides an excellent platform for new talent to shine and be recognised with an RHS medal, a hallmark of horticultural excellence.

An Electric Atmosphere

Attending the show was a wonderful experience, and the atmosphere at RHS Tatton Park was electric. Gardening enthusiasts, families, and professionals gathered to appreciate the art of horticulture, creating a vibrant and engaging environment. It was heartening to see so many people involved in discussions about gardening and wildlife, reflecting a growing awareness and appreciation for the natural world.

Engaging with Visitors

During the event, I had the opportunity to speak with numerous visitors about deer in gardens and their broader role in our ecosystems. These conversations allowed me to share insights with a whole new audience about deer behaviour, their impact on gardens, and ways to coexist with these majestic creatures.

Many visitors were curious about how to create deer-friendly gardens that protect their plants and provide a welcoming environment for deer. During the show, our team distributed over 400 BDS deer in gardens leaflets, furthering our mission to educate and engage the public on this important topic.

The Importance of Balance

One of the recurring themes in these discussions was the importance of balance. While deer can sometimes be seen as a challenge for gardeners, it is essential to remember their role in the broader ecosystem. By adopting deer-friendly practices, such as planting deer-resistant plants and using natural deterrents, we can create gardens that thrive while supporting local wildlife.

A Rewarding Experience

The long day at the show was undoubtedly tiring, but the rewards were immense. Seeing the joy and interest on people’s faces as they learned about deer and their habitats was truly gratifying. It reinforced the significance of our work at BDS and the impact we can have through education and community engagement.

Thanks to Alice and Trudi

The success of the “Deer O Deer” display and the valuable interactions at RHS Tatton Park are a testament to the dedication and passion of everyone involved. A special thanks to Alice and Trudi for their incredible work and creativity, which brought the display to life and earned such a prestigious accolade.

Their efforts have not only elevated the profile of BDS but also inspired many to appreciate and respect deer in their gardens and beyond.

Sustainability and Conservation

In line with the RHS’s request for sustainability and conservation, the garden will be moved to Rainbow Plants, where it will remain on display for the public to enjoy and learn from. Visit for more information.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate this achievement, let us continue to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for deer and their natural habitats. Together, we can create a world where humans and wildlife coexist harmoniously, enriching our lives and the environment we share.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible, and here’s to many more successes in the future.

David McAuley 

CEO, The British Deer Society

Gold Medal
Deer O Deer Team

Special Thanks:



Plant Suppliers:

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