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Information on the British Deer Society (BDS) Highlands branch including events, contacts, and news.

Branch Area and committee


Chairman Stewart Blair
Vice-Chair and Secretary Andy Wallis
Treasurer Ron Taylor
Branch Events Stephen Connolly
RSO Dr James Vestey  


Andrew Yool, Alistair Monkman, Marian Yool and Lucie Mayerova.

Postcode Area
HS Western Isles
IV Inverness
KW Kirkwall
PA Paisley
PH19 – PH50 Perth
ZE Lerwick




27th October 2024

Winter Competition

2nd November 2024

Cawdor range - practice

1st MArch 2025

Achnacary Estate Visit

23rd march 2025

branch AGM

3rd may 2025

First Aid Training Course

4th May 2025

DSC2 Training day

8th-9th August 2025

moy fair

Please see below for more details in the news section or email 


No upcoming events, please check back soon.



Cawdor Rifle and Gun Club (CRGC) have kindly arranged the following dates when BDS members (and guests by arrangement) can use the Range during the 2024 Season.  The Range is located at Glengeoullie 11/2 miles SE of Cawdor Castle (O.S. map ref: NH 857 477)

The range provides firing points at 100, 200 and 300 yards and only full bore stalking rifles with deer-legal calibre / bullet weight and muzzle velocity not exceeding 1,000 m/s (3,275 fps) and a maximum muzzle energy of 4,500J (3,319 ft/lbs) may be used.

The use of stalking aids and rests to improve accuracy from a variety of shooting positions under field conditions is encouraged, such as bipods, shooting sticks and normal stalking equipment.  Basic zeroing targets, BDS black “roe” silhouette targets and a number of more realistic Red, Sika and Roe deer targets, with no visible aiming mark are now available to help achieve optimum bullet placement.

The programme for range days is as follows:

April 28th                    Sunday – practice

May 4th                      Saturday – Spring Competition

May 26th                     Sunday – practice

June 1st                       Saturday – Summer Competition

July 7th                        Sunday – practice – team selection

August 18th                 Sunday – practice – team selection

September 8th           Sunday – SIBS Competition

October 27th            Sunday – Winter Competition

November 2nd           Saturday –  Practice

Shooting starts promptly at 10.00 am; range preparation is 8.45 – 9.45 am

The range will be opened well in advance by an NRA RCO/RSO who will need at least 4 volunteers to help set up flags, targets, etc., and a similar number need to stay behind after shooting is over to help tidy up and close down the range.

For four years a small charge has been payable by all shooters who attend the Range Days: £5 for Practice days and £10 for Competitions, to help defray the costs of running the Range.  Before anyone is allowed to shoot they must produce their BDS membership card, Firearm Certificate and sign the Range Register.  The RCO/RSO in charge will then read out a Safety Brief with which all firers must comply.

It would also be helpful if rifles wishing to attend could inform us so that we know how many targets etc to prepare beforehand and to enable me to circulate full details of upcoming shoots, competitions, courses of fire etc.

BDS Highland Senior RSO, James Vestey:

BDS Highlands Branch Facebook Group

Stay up to date with all the BDS activities and discussions in the Highlands with our new Highlands Branch Facebook Group.

 The Group is just for BDS members and is a safe space to:

  • Keep up to date with local events and activities.
  • Discuss and provide feedback on emerging deer related policy issues
  • Share your deer experiences and ask questions from the community
  • Share your venison recipes, deer photographs etc
  • Let the Highlands Branch Committee know what activities and events you would like to see in your area

 The Group won’t share your details, try to sell you anything or tolerate anything other than polite and respectful discussion on deer topics.

 To join the group today please find us by searching for British Deer Society – Highlands Branch on Facebook and entering your BDS number and answering a quick question.

 We look foreword to seeing you on the group and would welcome your feedback on how we can continue to develop it.

young red deer in Scotland by grafxart

Preferential Rates for BDS Members

Altyre Estate are pleased to announce preferential rates for BDS members who wish to stalk Scottish woodland roe deer at Altyre Estate in Moray. Primarily aimed at those wishing to undertake DSC2 training and/or assessment, the estate can offer accompanied stalks for cull roebucks and does with the estate stalker (Approved Witness) at a flat rate of £85 inc VAT per outing.

For more details, please contact the Altyre Estate office directly on 01309 672265 or by email at

Stay in touch

If your contact information has changed please make sure to let us know.  To update your details simply email or call 01425 655434.


Illegal Lynx Releases: A Cautionary Tale

Illegal Lynx Releases: A Cautionary Tale

Discover the complexities of reintroducing lynx to the UK in this cautionary tale about illegal releases in Scotland. Explore the ecological, ethical, and practical debates surrounding apex predators, deer management, and the challenges of reintroducing predators.

Firearms Licensing Fee Increases

Firearms Licensing Fee Increases

Find out about the UK government’s firearms licensing fee increases, effective 5 February 2025, will impact licence holders. Explore the new fee structure, the rationale behind the changes, stakeholder reactions, and what this means for you.

Supporting Your Local Branch

Supporting Your Local Branch

Discover how you can make a difference for deer conservation by attending your local British Deer Society (BDS) AGM. Learn why your involvement matters, explore volunteering opportunities, and join a community passionate about sustainable deer management.

Comments about the branch

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