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Photo by: Graeme Purdy

Tag: Wildlife management

Advocating for Deer Welfare Without Activism

The British Deer Society stands out in the animal welfare landscape for its measured, evidence-based approach to promoting deer welfare and sustainable management. Unlike activist-led charities, the BDS focuses on practical solutions, collaboration with stakeholders, and education to address challenges facing deer populations. This article explores how the BDS balances advocacy with science, highlighting its commitment to responsible deer management, including humane culling when necessary, and the importance of maintaining biodiversity. Discover how the BDS fosters constructive dialogue and offers a unique perspective on deer welfare.

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Life on a Highland Estate in the Post-Close Season Era

BDS member Linda Mellor provides a firsthand account of the recent changes in deer policy and their profound impact on both the deer and the local community. As a resident of a highland estate intimately connected to the land and its traditions, Linda sheds light on the repercussions of the removal of the close season for male deer in Scotland, offering a glimpse into the intricate balance between tradition, wildlife management, and community feeling.

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