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Photo by: Graeme Purdy

Author: marketingmanager

Ask BDS – Is it legal to shoot deer?

The British Deer Society is regularly contacted by concerned members of the public who have observed activity related to deer management taking place. While fully appreciating their concerns we recognise that, provided it is carried out with the permission of the landowner or their representative, culling may be conducted provided that a comprehensive range of legal requirements are observed.

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Tick-borne Encephalitis Detection in England

A new risk assessment has been published this week by a multi-agency cross-government committee, highlighting that tick-borne encephalitis is now likely to be present in England.

The risk assessment is based on both human cases and the detection of the virus in ticks in several areas of the country and it is important to stress that the risk to the general public in the UK remains very low.

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Deer Management Beyond Borders

Last week I had the privilege to travel to Northern Ireland to meet with a few N.I. and Irish deer organisations where we discussed the deer management and habitat impact work carried out across the whole island of Ireland. I was also updated on the extremely important work carried out with the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) on behalf of deer managers and gun owners.

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Royal Mail Strikes – UPDATE

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has announced it has withdrawn planned rolling strike action dates which were due to take place later this week and next week (2,3,4,8,9 and 10 November).

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