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Photo by: Graeme Purdy

Tag: climate change

Climate Change and Its Impact on UK Deer Species

Explore the impact of climate change on UK deer species in this insightful article. Discover how warmer winters and hotter summers affect deer physiology, behaviour, and population dynamics. Learn about the implications for deer management and conservation efforts, and understand the critical need for proactive strategies to ensure the survival of these iconic species. Read more to uncover the latest research findings and the role of the British Deer Society in addressing climate challenges.

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Raising Spring Awareness of Deer Welfare Issues

This blog post sheds light on critical deer welfare issues as spring unfolds across the UK countryside and emphasises the need for public awareness and responsible action towards deer welfare. We all need to take collective efforts to protect and preserve wildlife during this vibrant season.

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Response To Scottish Deer Management Changes

This week the Scottish Parliament voted on Government proposals to abolish the season for male deer in Scotland. Despite having been rejected by the Rural Affairs and Islands Committee, the Parliament voted to accept the Government proposal. This means that from 21st October 2023 there will be no close season for male deer of any species in Scotland.

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Are Deer the Villains When Tackling Climate Change?

If you read some of the recent press and media articles about deer, you will probably spot a reoccurring theme that paints deer in the UK as a huge barrier to efforts to combat climate change. Readers are regularly exposed to emotive statements about explosive deer population numbers, backed up by sweeping statements that all too often implicate deer as the villains.
Is this fair or even true?

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UK Deer Birth Dates Survey

Is climate change affecting deer? The British Deer Society is conducting a survey in order to understand how deer might be reacting to changes in their environment.

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