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Photo by: Graeme Purdy

Tag: deer

Ask BDS – How Ethical is Wild Venison?

The BDS is often approached by members of the public who wish to know more about the wild venison that they eat.  Most appreciate that venison is a sustainable product that comes from necessary deer control measures.  In particular, though, they may wonder whether there are alternatives to culling.  They also want to be reassured that venison has been sourced humanely and with proper respect for the deer.

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Ask BDS – Can I Feed Deer in My Garden?

Although deer are not always welcome visitors to the garden, the BDS is often asked if food can be put out for them. In fact there is really no need to feed wild deer as they can usually find all that they need naturally, even during dry conditions.

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Ask BDS – Baby Deer

Most of the UK’s deer species have regular birthing seasons between May and July. Muntjac are the only exception and their fawns might be encountered at any time of year. The British Deer Society regularly receives enquiries from members of the public who have found a baby deer that they believe has been ‘abandoned’ by its mother and are wondering what they should do.

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Ask BDS – Fencing and Muntjac

The British Deer Society receives regular queries from gardeners who are anxious to exclude deer, and particularly muntjac, from their vegetable patches and other places containing delicate or valuable plants.

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UK Deer Birth Dates Survey

Is climate change affecting deer? The British Deer Society is conducting a survey in order to understand how deer might be reacting to changes in their environment.

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Ask BDS – Deer on the roads

The month of May is a peak time for deer-vehicle collisions (DVCs) and the highest risks occur around sunrise, or from sunset until midnight. However, deer can be encountered on our roads throughout the year and at any time of day – if you see one always drive with added caution as there may be others.

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