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Photo by: Graeme Purdy

Tag: stalking

Striking the Balance: A Humane Approach to Deer Population Management

Recent articles in the media have sparked discussions around the management of deer populations, prompting the British Deer Society to reaffirm its stance on the humane culling of deer as a preferred method for population control. In response to these concerns, the Society emphasises the need for a comprehensive approach that considers ecological balance, habitat conservation, and potential human-wildlife conflicts. This article considers the charity’s viewpoint, highlighting our commitment to effective and humane deer population management.

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Deer Management in the UK: Sustainability Verses Eradication

Recently, we received a heartfelt letter from a dedicated member of the British Deer Society (BDS), a seasoned deer stalker with 30 years of experience who was dismayed by the indiscriminate and unsustainable shooting of roe deer around his management areas. His words shed light on the evolving challenges faced by conscientious deer managers who prioritise legal and humane practices in an environment where not all shooters share the same values.

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Ask BDS – Is it legal to shoot deer?

The British Deer Society is regularly contacted by concerned members of the public who have observed activity related to deer management taking place. While fully appreciating their concerns we recognise that, provided it is carried out with the permission of the landowner or their representative, culling may be conducted provided that a comprehensive range of legal requirements are observed.

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Rural Women – Rhian’s Story

Rhian Tyne is a 19-year-old lady deer stalker and BDS youth ambassador. She has a determination and passion for deer management that is truly impressive and a love for the countryside that is infectious.

Find out more about her experiences in her story.

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Changes to DSC1 and DSC2

Information has recently been shared relating to changes to DSC1 and DSC2 made by Deer Management Qualifications (DMQ).. These changes come into effect on April the 1st.

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