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Photo by: Graeme Purdy

Author: marketingmanager

Thank You to Our BDS Volunteers

This National Volunteers Week the BDS would like to take the opportunity to say a massive thank you to all of our Members who support the Society in so many ways; it couldn’t function without you.

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BDS Supports Royal Parks in Protecting Deer

Richmond and Bushy parks are wonderful places to visit and much loved by the many people that use them. In these uncertain times, it is understandable that the public wants to visit for some much-needed exercise and relaxation.

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COVID-19: BDS Advice to Deer Stalkers

Further to the Prime Minister’s statement on Sunday 10 May 2020, and the more detailed COVID-19 Recovery Strategy published today, the British Deer Society interprets the current situation as follows:

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BDS Survey of Deer Distribution and Abundance 2020

First, my personal thanks for all those who agreed to help with this survey, which is designed to offer us a better resolution of the distribution and regional abundance of deer within the UK, something we urgently need if we are to advise Government and other Agencies on future management.

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