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Photo by: Graeme Purdy

Tag: deer

Preventable Suffering – Dog Attacks on Deer

At the British Deer Society, we sadly regularly hear reports and receive enquiries related to dog attacks on deer. The BDS urges dog owners to help prevent the indiscriminate chasing of deer and other animals which too often results in an attack by remaining in full control of their dogs at all times.

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Warning of an increased risk of deer collisions as clocks go back

National Highways and the British Deer Society are warning drivers to be extra vigilant for deer on or near roads after the clocks go back this weekend.

There is a substantial increase in deer vehicle collisions from October to December. Poorer driving conditions and fewer hours of daylight, coupled with the annual breeding season (the rut) for red, sika & fallow deer make this a high-risk time of year.

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Driving Deer Aware – Top Tips To Help Avoid a Collision

We are now in one of the peak periods for deer vehicle collisions not only in the UK but across the northern hemisphere. A combination of factors, not least this time of year is the rutting season for many of our deer species, makes this a particularly high-risk time, from now right through to December.

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Rural Women – Rhian’s Story

Rhian Tyne is a 19-year-old lady deer stalker and BDS youth ambassador. She has a determination and passion for deer management that is truly impressive and a love for the countryside that is infectious.

Find out more about her experiences in her story.

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